残疾的资源 & 访问
Students with disabilities may use a variety of accommodations that are intended to provide access and remove barriers in traditional classrooms or online settings. 从测试协助到替代书籍格式的调整, assistive and adaptive technologies and sign language interpreters are all free to BHC students.
If you need an accommodation based on a disability to fully participate in a program/event, 请太阳城集团博彩. 确保留出足够的时间(至少5班车). days) prior to the program or event and be ready to provide documents of the disability. 有关您残疾的信息将被保密. 有行动障碍的学生应联系残疾资源 & 访问 to register for emergency evacuation plans, notification of elevators and procedures.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act and 2008年和2016年的修正案 protects and considers a person disabled if he or she:
- 有身体或精神上的损伤,严重限制了主要的生活活动
- 有这样的损伤记录吗
- 被认为有这样的缺陷
定义了“合格的残疾人”, as one who meets the requisite academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in the postsecondary institution’s 项目 and 活动. The above laws protect the civil rights of individuals who are qualified to participate and who have disabilities such as, 但不限于, 以下几点:
- 聋子/重听的
- 发育障碍
- 盲/视力丧失
- 智障人士
- 流动障碍
- 学习障碍
- 精神健康障碍
- 慢性健康问题
When we say “accommodations” we are referring to modifications to the educational program, 学术的调整, and auxiliary aids so that the student with a disability is not “denied the benefits of, 或者被排除在", 教育项目.
- 不 较低的标准或保证接受这些服务的人的成功
- Do reduce the negative effects of the disability of receiving information and demonstrating course mastery
- 不 减少学生学习课程材料的个人责任
In this way students with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to benefit from educational 项目 as their counterparts, 非残疾学生的经验.
教育项目不需要进行项目修改, 学术的调整, 哪一个会从根本上改变一个程序, 或者是不适当的行政财政负担.
残疾的资源 and 访问 can provide access to and resources for assistive technology for note-taking.
Staff members will assist students in obtaining textbooks or other class materials from publishers or use software to create an audio book if not available from the publisher.
办公室的智能笔数量有限, 数字录音机, 手持放大镜, 还有会说话的计算器.
ZoomText,自然阅读器, 读写和库兹韦尔软件可在残疾资源 & 访问办公室.
学校为课堂和其他校园活动提供口译员. 需要适当通知.
可以为参加在线课程和考试的学生提供特殊的住宿. 常见的住宿包括延长考试时间, 减少分心测试地点和考试读者.
有行动障碍的学生应联系残疾资源 & 访问 to be notified of elevator outages and emergency evacuation plans and procedures.
联系残疾资源 & 获取一个输入包或 下载表格:
- 残疾的资源 & 学生入学表格(PDF)
提交表格和你的 影响教育的残疾. - Verification and Documentation of Disability Form completed by a medical professional qualified to make your disability diagnosis OR
- IEP或504计划
安排一次与残疾人资源的会议 & 访问协调员,请尽快致电我们的办公室 注册课程.
向你的导师介绍你自己,并讨论什么 你将在他们的课程中使用的设施.
跟进残疾资源 & 访问协调员 有任何问题或疑虑,请提交